On April 17, 2016, Via Campesina organized the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and developed a new way to shape and promote a society in which food producers are supported and everyone has access to healthy food and a secure livelihood. They issued the Marabá Declaration, which is a call for everyone around the world to engage in work to build People’s Agrarian Reform.
This call, organized by the USFSA Land and Resource Reform Team on May 23, 2016, features farmers and activists sharing what People’s Agrarian Reform is, what it means for current and potential food producers, and how it affects rural and urban communities in the U.S.
- Saulo Araujo – WhyHunger
- Dena Hoff – Northern Plains Resource Council, National Family Farm Coalition, Via Campesina ICC
- Blain Snipstal – Black Dirt Farm Collective, Southeastern African-American Farmers Organic Network, Rural Coalition
- Eric Holt-Giménez -Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy
Moderated by Lisa Griffth, National Family Farm Coalition