USFSA Launches National Days of Action in Defense of Land and the Commons

ACTION AS AN INDIVIDUAL: Sign this petition, put together by Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay. Then share it with your friends. Don’t forget: the deadline is this Friday, September 19, at midnight EST / 8:00 pm Alaska time ACTION AS AN ORGANIZATION: You can make a strong statement by submitting public comment on behalf of your organization or business. Go to […]

ROC-NY, ROC the Bay, and USFSA Members Food Chain Workers Alliance and Food First Call Out Hunger in the Restaurant Industry

Today, ROC-NY along with USFSA members Food Chain Workers Alliance and Food First released a new report, Food Insecurity of Restaurant Workers, a first comprehensive look at food security and employment conditions of workers in the restaurant industry. The report, based on over 280 surveys and interviews with restaurant workers in New York City and […]