2014 Food Sovereignty Prize

The 2014 Food Sovereignty Prize Ceremony will be held at the Iowa Historical Building in Des Moines, IA on the 15th of October 2014. * Details at www.foodsovereigntyprize.org * For past recipients of the Food Sovereignty Prize, visit www.foodsovereigntyprize.org/the-honorees/. For questions, write to foodsovprize@gmail.com. “Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally […]


Food Sovereignty in the United States: A Selection of Stories Our History: A Background of the U.S. Food Sovereignty Alliance Food Sovereignty Stories (Video) USFSA Report on Seeds and Seed Practices across the US Nyéléni Newsletter Reading Lists Report on 4th National Assembly / IV Asamblea Nacional (English / Spanish)           […]

USFSA Actions

CALL TO ACTION 1. With Farmworkers!  
Stand in solidarity with farm workers and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and send a supermarket postcard or manager’s letter 2. With Family Farmers!  
Push for transparency in the Trans-Pacific Partnership to make sure family farmers and people who eat are not hurt by this secretly negotiated international trade […]